High-quality evidence from scientific studies supports the use of low carb diets for weight loss and medical conditions including type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. The lists below link to some of the most relevant studies.
For science relevant to the menopause, peri-menopause and use of HRT please click here.
Weight loss.
Low carb diets are effective for weight loss
Low carb diets result in more fat loss (not just weight loss)
Low carb diets reduce weight and improve major risk factors for heart disease.
Rising insulin inceases body fat, even when calories stay the same.
Eating a low carb breakfast reduced hunger and calories consumed at lunch (compaired to a breakfast of the same calories in carbs).
Low-carb diets are better than other diets at preventing weight regain after loss.
Type 2 diabetes
Low carb diets improve blood sugar control
Insulin therapy increases weight gain and (in type 2 DM).
The benefits of a low carb diet in diabetes
Low carb diets reduce the need for medication and improve health markers (HbA1c, HDL, TG, and blood pressure) in type 2 diabetes.
High blood pressure.
Almost all people with hypertension are Insulin Resistent
High insulin and Insulin Resistence work together chronically increase BP
Sugar increases blood pressure more than salt
Dietary fat does not increase blood pressure
Lack of evidence that reducing salt in food affects the risk of heart disease or death.
Cochrane reviews 2011: Reduced dietary salt for the prevention of cardiovascular disease
Low-carb diets led to a decrease in systolic BP.
PLoS One 2020: The effects of low-carbohydrate diets on cardiovascular risk factors: A meta-analysis
Low carb diets improve systolic BP more than low fat diets.
High Cholesterol.
Increased risk of CVD with small, dense LDL.
HDL/TG ratio as an estimate of LDL particle size
Insulin reistence is a risk factor for atherosclerosis
Dietary cholesterol and cardiovascular risk
Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2012: Rethinking dietary cholesterol.
Eating cholesterol reduces cholesterol synthesis
Low-carb diets increase HDL and lower TG.
PLoS One 2020: The effects of low-carbohydrate diets on cardiovascular risk factors: A meta-analysis
Low-carb diets better for TG and HDL, compared to low fat.
Women with PCOS have marked insulin resistance, independent of weight.
Reducing insulin and improving insulin sensitivity increases natural ovulation
Low carb diets improve PCOS
Preliminary data supports the use of low carb diets in PCOS. Hopefully we will see some long term, high quality studies in the future.
Fertility & Sterility 2006: Role of diet in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome
Nutrients 2017: The effect of low-carbohydrate diets on fertility hormones and outcomes in overweight and obese women: a systematic review [systematic review of randomized and nonrandomized trials; weak evidence]